Eye See You

Written by: Martina Egli. It’s Thursday morning, and time for me to post a new Image for the week… except that I’ve been a lazy girl and haven’t got anything to post! 😉 So this is the perfect opportunity for me to post some of DJ’s work....

Mass Sit-Down

Written by: Martina Egli I was walking through Trafalgar Sq. the other day, when I noticed a group of several hundred people sitting down on the steps. How Curious, I thought! Undeterred by not knowing precisely why they were sitting down – I joined them! I love...

The Fossil Woman

Mary Anning. Written By: Martina Egli Marie Curie, Marie Antoinette, Maria Montessori, Mary Phelps Jacob, Mary Wollstonecraft… Mary Anning. Not only do they bear the same name, but these remarkable women helped to shape the world we live in. I just wanted to...

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