The Blog

photography and occasional musings...
Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air

Wow, I barely made it! I have been redecorating my office for the past two weeks and just when I think I'm done and can post an image for one of my favourite days of the year my internet connection goes down... I'm posting this via an iPhone. I hope you all had a...

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Texture #2: Pressed Steel

Texture #2: Pressed Steel

For some contrast to yesterdays organic picture, here's something man-made. I think,  even the ugliest and most banal of objects can look attractive when viewed in isolation. You can see more of my abstract and editorial photography here.  



turbulence (ˈtɜːbjʊləns) —noun 1.   a state or condition of confusion, movement, or agitation; disorder 2.   meteorol local instability in the atmosphere, oceans, or rivers 3.   turbulent flow in a liquid or gas To take this picture I had to hang myself with the...

Lake Luzern

Lake Luzern

Just to prove that the sun doesn't always shine on lake Luzern! If you're going to the Pilatius mountain from Luzern, one option is to travel by boat - I'd highly recommend it as even on a day like pictured here, it offers some amazing and atmospheric views. "Suddenly...

Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown

The view from the top might be spectacular but the descent through the clouds is a truly amazing experience. Don't look down! 😉 "It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see." Winston Churchill  

Pilatus Cogwheel Railway

Pilatus Cogwheel Railway

This panorama of the Pilatus shows the worlds steepest railway in action! At times it reaches a 48 deg incline, and travels almost to the summit  at about 2000m. It's a very relaxed way to reach the summit and it affords some incredible views - I highly recommend it...

The Pilatus

The Pilatus

"Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. " Henry David Thoreau Firstly, my apologies for  not updating my blog of late- but work has got in the way of things somewhat! I'm back in London now and busily editing photographs for clients, but I thought I'd share...

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