"And hear at times a sentinel Who moves about from place to place, And whispers to the worlds of space, In the deep night, that all is well." In Memoriam by Lord Alfred Tennyson

I hope you all had a nice holiday season, and a great New-Year! "Wisdom comes with winters." Oscar Wilde 1854-1900

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! See you next year. "Remember this December, that love weighs more than gold!" Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon
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Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all the people who have taken the time to visit my Blog this year and to all my friends on flickr. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! I'm not going to be posting as regularly over the Holiday, but I may drop in every now and then in-between...
"I am a human being; nothing human can be alien to me." Terence I know that's not what he meant, but... 😉
"In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't." Blaise Pascal
"The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire." Pamela Hansford Johnson
Photographers have traditionally gone to great lengths to avoid the introduction of lens-flare to their images, and unarguably it's good practice to avoid it in the main. However, there are definitely occasions when it adds to the resulting picture, placing the camera...
Golden Moment
Serendipity. There's something to be said for being in the right place at the right time. I took this photo whilst hiking on the banks of Loch Lomond. We had set up one of our cameras, and were filming the setting sun -- when out of the blue, the canoeists gently...
"One is the loneliest number." Aimee Mann
From the Shadows…
"Nothing in the universe can travel at the speed of light, they say, forgetful of the shadow's speed." Howard Nemerov
Universal Plan…
"there must be some universal plan which set in motion the orbiting of the electrons about the nucleus and the slower, more majestic orbit of the galaxies about one another to the very edge of space." Clifford D. Simak
Cake Confessions: Day Five
If you are going to eat fruit, you might as well eat it in a cake 😉 Please don't tell me this doesn't count as one of my five a day! "A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece." Ludwig Erhard You can see...