The Kiss
Congratulations to Barbara and Alain!! I'm back! We had a lot of fun shooting this wedding, so you probabaly see more photos from the event in the coming days. 🙂

Look up!
Sometimes the picture is just above your head, all you have to do is look up... 😉 "To be awake is to be alive." Henry David Thoreau Gallery

"A forest bird never wants a cage." Henrik Ibsen A family of robins has made their home in my garden. Their chicks have survived this year and are hopping around in my shrubbery. (last year the Magpies got them) So I grabbed my camera and thankfully the adults were...
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Fluid Dynamics #12: Espresso
Gosh, pulling an espresso and taking a photo simultaneously is difficult. I almost spilled my coffee! 😉 p.s Thanks for all the get well wishes, they cheered me up a lot!! "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons." T. S. Eliot
Fluid Dynamics #11: Kinetic Energy
"The energy of the mind is the essence of life." Aristotle Wow, the flu has really knocked me for six this week. It put a dent in my plans for this series, but I'm going to try and get back on track with a photo I took last year at the KKL centre in Luzern,...
Fluid Dynamics #10: Tide And Time…
"Fate will find a way" Virgil This picture was something of a happy accident for me. I had spent the day taking photos at a nearby location , and was determined to get some time at the beach to grab a few shots before the day was over with. However as is often the...
Fluid Dynamics #9: Water Vapour
"The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it." Marcus Aurelius
Fluid Dynamics #8: Flow
"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate." Zhuangzi
Fluid Dynamics #7: Bubbles On Ice
I don't mind telling you that this one was a bit of a headache! In concept it seemed like a nice idea, easy to implement - but in practice, framing and depth of field proved to be particularly troublesome. The shifting and changing of the bubbles lead to many, many...
Fluid Dynamics #5 & 6: Droplets
"The fall of dropping water wears away the Stone." Lucretius Gallery
Fluid Dynamics #4: Crown
"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in." Frederick The Great
Fluid Dynamics #2 & 3: Milk
"There is no sense in crying over spilt milk." Sophocles Gallery
Fluid Dynamics #1: Black Ink
Part of the fun in taking these types of images is the randomness in the results... you never quite know what you're going to get. It's quite liberating knowing that so much of the final image is totally out of your control! "In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all...