The Blog

photography and occasional musings...

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Singular Tree In Bloom

Singular Tree In Bloom

"But there's a tree, of many, one, A single field which I have looked upon, Both of them speak of something that is gone" Wordsworth. Ode I must confess that I breifly consider either cropping or photoshoping out the barn from this photo- but in the end I left it...

Amongst The Tulips

Amongst The Tulips

"With colour one obtains an energy that seems to stem from witchcraft." Henri Matisse This field was like an explosion of colour; almost overwhelming after recently coming from the grey of the city!  

The Last Mowing

The Last Mowing

I came across this location quite by accident last week, and it immediately struck me as beautiful and picturesque. It provided me with a number of photo opportunity's- so I hope you won't mind if the blog spends some time there this week. "The meadow is done with the...

Happy Easter…

Happy Easter…

Happy Easter Everyone! I wanted to have an egg themed image today... but this is as close as I dared get! 😉      

Buddha And The Frog

Buddha And The Frog

"Theories pass. The frog remains." Jean Rostand My workload over the next few months means that I'm going to scale back my blog posts from every-week-day, to 3 or so times a week for a while. All will return to normal shortly! 🙂  

Instamatic Legacy

Instamatic Legacy

When DJ's great uncle passed away a few years ago, he seemingly left very little behind for people to remember him by. However when sorting through his belongings we found a life undiscovered. There were all manner of creative outpourings, ranging from lovingly...

Cake Confessions: Day Seven

Cake Confessions: Day Seven

After the doldrums last week I really felt like I needed a treat... and what better way to pamper oneself  than with a cake or more precisely, with a meringue. "Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert." J C Forbes You can see more of my Food Photography here....

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