The Blog

photography and occasional musings...
London #2

London #2

The Tate Modern is one of my favourite museums in London - not only for the great exhibitions but also for its stunning architecture. The former Bankside Power Station was converted into a gallery by the Swiss architects Herzog & De Meuron. The gallery retains...

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London #1

London #1

It's occurred to me that I haven't posted pictures from my adopted home-town in a while. I think sometimes that familiarity means that we stop seeing the beauty in a place, and tune out the things that attracted us to it in the first place. I hope you enjoy my little...

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Housekeeping... If you've visited my site over the last few days you might have noticed that something was up - I had been hacked. I'm diligent about keeping my site up to date and secure, so it was a bit of a head scratcher to say the least. It turns out that the...

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Alpine Summer Panorama

Alpine Summer Panorama

I'm constantly amazed by my little GF1 camera. It's form factor is perfect for long hikes, and it's sharpness and rendition are really quite beautiful. It really is liberating not to have to lug heavy camera gear and still be able to "get the shot." The only downside...

Alpine View

Alpine View

Over the next few updates I'm going to be posting some photography from the Swiss Alps - so that you can all share in the Alpine View. Hope you enjoy 🙂  

Field Of Dreams

Field Of Dreams

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." Poe This field seemed to stretch on forever, rolling off into the distance and well beyond the bounds of the frame. I just couldn't do it justice in a single photo with my little GF1 and 20mm lens. The solution-...

Little Visitor

Little Visitor

“A bee is never as busy as it seems; it’s just that it can’t buzz any slower.” Kin Hubbard I love these little creatures, they’re fascinating to watch – so tireless and industrious and more often than not completely oblivious to me and my camera… thankfully 😉  

Piazza Colour

Piazza Colour

"In visual perception a colour is almost never seen as it really is - as it physically is. This fact makes colour the most relative medium in art." Josef Albers  

A Day In The Life…

A Day In The Life…

"It is not length of life, but depth of life." Emerson This was taken at the Sunday Market in Cannobio, Italy. It was a fascinating and vibrant place. If you're in the area I can highly recommend a visit, take your camera and an empty stomach! 😉  

Life Will Find A Way…

Life Will Find A Way…

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do, I'm half crazy all for the love of you." Henry Dacre. Daisy Bell Two movie references in one post 😉  

Let Them Eat… Amaretti!

Let Them Eat… Amaretti!

Okay so it's not quite a cake confession, more of a biscuit confession - but I couldn't resist posting a picture of these beautiful Amaretti that I captured at a farmers market in the Italian part of Switzerland. I'm currently updating my Blog by mobile broadband as...

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