Happy New Year
I wish you all a wonderful 2013 filled with happiness, love and lots of photography!

Merry Christmas
Have a great Christmas everyone, and a wonderful New Year. Martina "I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." Charles Dickens

London #9
A Gathering As usual the people are the most interesting part of the landscape! "Youth is the trustee of prosperity." Benjamin Disraeli
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Susanne and Jonas: Bridal Details
"Life is the flower for which love is the honey." Victor Hugo To make up for my tardiness in blogging, here are three more pictures from Susanne and Jonas's wedding. I have to be careful not to give too much away, as they're seeing them here for the first time as...
Susanne and Jonas: Bride and Groom
"How far away the stars seem, and how far is our first kiss, and ah, how old my heart." Yeats
Susanne and Jonas: Groom and Best-man
I had a great time shooting the wedding of Susanne and Jonas last week. They were a really photogenic and fun couple so they'll feature on my Blog next week. I'm still working on their photos - but here's a little preview for everyone - It's the Groom and his...
A Seat For Two
"The time to relax is -- when you don't have time for it." Sidney J. Harris
A Day At The Beach: Viewpoint
"The sky is the daily bread of the eyes." Ralph Waldo Emerson
As Ships Go Sailing By
"Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board." Zora Neale Hurston
A Day At The Beach: A Boy’s Story
"A boy's story is the best that is ever told." Charles Dickens You might need to get your magnifying glass out to spot him, but he's there! I spent most of the last week in Scotland (look for some waterfalls soon!) when I returned to London the weather was so...
Fairy Duster…
"Colour can do anything that black-and-white can." Vincente Millenni This beautiful tree is apparently called a Mexican Fairy Duster! It's a leguminous tree native to the American continent, so imagine my surprise to see one in London! Gallery [gallery...
Hand in Hand
This is the last of this series, I hope you enjoyed it. It's wedding season and I have a busy few weeks with photo-shoots, so I'll post some more wedding photography soon. For now though, look for a splash of colour on the blog tomorrow. 😉 "Where there is love there...
Curling Tongs
"There is a woman at the beginning of all great things" Alphonse de Lamartine